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July 12, 2021

Morning: 1 Corinthians 12:25-27

Noon: Psalms 85

Evening: Proverbs 3:23

Stumbling, even once, may be all it takes to cause death. That is why it’s important to look attentively where one is walking in order to avoid the path’s obstacles.

The Christian faith is also like this; one may fall off spiritually as a result of stumbling which, the majority of the time, is caused by distractions that divert our attention from the path on which we travel. Even though we may sometimes be lucky enough to not fall to the floor, we always wobble and, as insignificant as it may seem, we lose spiritual equilibrium, manifesting insensitivity and a lack of compromise.

Christians should keep their spiritual eyes wide open because stumbling blocks will always be present, and, if we are alert, we can avoid them. Remember, our whole body wobbles upon stumbling, not just one part of it, because every member is part of the body as a whole. Hence, if the foot stumbles, even the head could suffer the consequences. Therefore, we must stay vigilant so that we notice the stumbling blocks and evade them, because any one of these stumbles can cause us spiritual death.

We cannot avoid everything, but let us avoid what we can.

--Naty Leidy González

Translation made by the Communications Department.


Noon Psalm 85

LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land:

Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

2Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people,

Thou hast covered all their sin. Selah.

3Thou hast taken away all thy wrath:

Thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger.

4Turn us, O God of our salvation,

And cause thine anger toward us to cease.

5Wilt thou be angry with us for ever?

Wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations?

6Wilt thou not revive us again:

That thy people may rejoice in thee?

7Shew us thy mercy, O LORD,

And grant us thy salvation.

8I will hear what God the LORD will speak:

For he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: But let them not turn again to folly.

9Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him;

That glory may dwell in our land.

10Mercy and truth are met together;

Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

11Truth shall spring out of the earth;

And righteousness shall look down from heaven.

12Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good;

And our land shall yield her increase.

13Righteousness shall go before him;

And shall set us in the way of his steps.


[Nicaragua-León] - [Cuba-Tumba 4] and Ministerio Juvenil



Proverbios 5 6 7

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